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<html> <head> <title>JavaScript. Позиционирование.</title> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var hor=0; var ver=0; // step = величина шага в пикселях var step=50; function right () { move.left= hor+=step; } function left () { move.left = hor-=step; } function down () { move.top = ver+=step; } function up () { move.top = ver-=step; } function upright () { move.top = ver-=step; move.left = hor+=step; } function upleft () { move.top = ver-step; move.left = hor-step; } function downleft () { move.top = ver+=step; move.left= hor-=step; } function downright () { move.top = ver+=step; move.left = hor+=step; } function begin () { move.top = ver=0; move.left = hor=0; } --> </script> </head> <body background="bg1.jpg" bgproperties="fixed" style="background-repeat: no-repeat;r" text="#800000" link="#8000FF" alink="#DC5912" vlink="#9B4E00"> <br><br><center><div id="move" style="position:relative; left:0px; top:0px; width:88px; height:31px"><img src="../gif/heart.gif" width="33" height="30" border="0"></div></center><br> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var NN = (navigator.appName == "Netscape"); var move = (NN) ? document.move : document.all.move.style; --> </script> <form><center> <input type="button" value="Влево-Вверх" onclick="upleft();"> <input type="button" value="Вверх" onclick="up();"> <input type="button" value="Вправо-Вверх" onclick="upright();"><br> <input type="button" value="Влево" onclick="left();"> <input type="button" value="Исходная позиция" onclick="begin();"> <input type="button" value="Вправо" onclick="right();"><br> <input type="button" value="Влево-Вниз" onclick="downleft();"> <input type="button" value="Вниз" onclick="down();"> <input type="button" value="Вправо-Вниз" onclick="downright();"> </center></form> </body> </html>
<html> <head> <title>Музыкальная шкатулка, при каждой загрузке новая музыка</title> </head> <body> <script> //<!-- var midi = "" var txt = "" var nummidis = 5 day = new Date() seed = day.getTime() ran = parseInt(((seed - (parseInt(seed/1000,10) * 1000))/10)/100*nummidis + 1,10) if (ran == (1)) {midi=("herbst.mid"); txt=("herbst.mid")} if (ran == (2)) {midi=("baby.mid"); txt=("baby.mid")} if (ran == (3)) {midi=("gemeinde.mid"); txt=("gemeinde.mid")} if (ran == (4)) {midi=("ost.mid"); txt=("ost.mid")} if (ran == (5)) {midi=("shark.mid"); txt=("shark.mid")} /* Для Netscape - отключено - надо ? уберите тег комментария.. document.write('<center><embed src="' + midi + '" AUTOSTART=true HIDDEN=false VOLUME=100 WIDTH=200 Height=55 loop=false></embed><br><strong>Эта музыка "<font color="red" size=2><em>' + txt + '</em></font></font>"</strong></center>') */ document.write('<center><bgsound src="' + midi + '" AUTOSTART=true loop=false></bgsound><strong>Эта музыка "<font color="red"><em>' + txt + '</em></font></font>"</strong></center>') //--> </SCRIPT> </body> </html>
<html> <head> <title>JavaScript в примерах</title> <script Language="JavaScript"> <!-- // function showerror() { alert("Адрес электронной почты был введен неправильно."); } function checkmail() { txt=document.entermail.address.value; if (txt == "") { alert("Введите Адрес электронной почты."); return(false) } if (txt.indexOf(".") == -1) { alert("Нет символа\".\""); return(false) } dog = txt.indexOf("@"); if (dog == -1) { alert("Нет символа\"@\"."); return(false) } if ((dog < 1) || (dog > txt.length - 5)) { showerror(); return(false) } if ((txt.charAt(dog - 1) == '.') || (txt.charAt(dog + 1) == '.')) { showerror(); return(false) } } //--> </script> <body> <form method="POST" name="entermail" onSubmit="return checkmail()"> <p><b><small>E-mail:</small></b><br> <input type="text" name="address" size="20"><br> <input type="submit" value="Check" name="B1"> * <input type="reset" value="Clear" name="B2"></p> </form> </body> </html>
<html> <head> <title>Подпрыгивающее слово</title> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var rad = 100; var xoff = 350; var yoff = 120; var pi = Math.PI; var inc = pi/40; var pos=0; function move() { pos += inc; if (pos>= pi ) {pos=0;} obj.left = xoff; obj.top = -(rad * Math.sin(pos)) + yoff; setTimeout("move()", 50); } --> </script> </head> <body background="bg1.jpg" bgproperties="fixed" style="background-repeat: no-repeat;r" text="#800000" link="#8000FF" alink="#DC5912" vlink="#9B4E00"> <div id="obj" style="position:absolute; left:400px; top:10px; width:10px; height:31px"><font face="Arial" color="#00cc00"><strong>Прыг!</strong></font></div> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var NN = (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4); var obj = (NN) ? document.obj : document.all.obj.style; move(); --> </script> </body> </html>
<html> <head> <title>Мельница из слов</title> <script> <!-- // Edit your messages. You MUST use 6 messages precisly. var message = new Array() message[0]=" >>>> SCRIPTIC" message[1]=" >>>> JAVA APPLET" message[2]=" >>>> MAKE FRIENDS" message[3]=" >>>> FALL IN LOVE" message[4]=" >>>> TAKE IT EASY" message[5]=" >>>> TRY IT AGAIN" // Edit the width an height of your TextWheel (pixels) var scrollerheight=120 var scrollerwidth=360 // Edit the font var font_family="Verdana" // Edit the font-size var font_size=30 // Edit the horizontal and vertical position of your TextWheel (pixels) var x_textposition=100 var y_textposition=10 function initiate() { if (document.all) { document.all.rotationstyle1.style.posLeft=x_textposition document.all.rotationstyle1.style.posTop=y_textposition document.all.rotationstyle2.style.posLeft=x_textposition document.all.rotationstyle2.style.posTop=y_textposition document.all.rotationstyle3.style.posLeft=x_textposition document.all.rotationstyle3.style.posTop=y_textposition document.all.rotationstyle4.style.posLeft=x_textposition document.all.rotationstyle4.style.posTop=y_textposition document.all.rotationstyle5.style.posLeft=x_textposition document.all.rotationstyle5.style.posTop=y_textposition document.all.rotationstyle6.style.posLeft=x_textposition document.all.rotationstyle6.style.posTop=y_textposition setmessages() } } function setmessages() { rotationstyle1.innerHTML= '<OBJECT ID="rotationobj1" CLASSID="CLSID:369303C2-D7AC-11d0-89D5-00A0C90833E6" STYLE="position:relative;width:'+scrollerwidth+'px;height:'+2*scrollerheight+'px">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0001" VALUE="SetLineStyle(0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0002" VALUE="SetLineColor(0,0,0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0003" VALUE="SetFillColor(255,255,0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0004" VALUE="SetFont(\''+font_family+'\', '+font_size+', 400, 0, 0, 0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0005" VALUE="Text(\''+message[0]+'\',0, 2, 0)">'+ '</OBJECT>' rotationstyle2.innerHTML= '<OBJECT ID="rotationobj2" CLASSID="CLSID:369303C2-D7AC-11d0-89D5-00A0C90833E6" STYLE="position:relative;width:'+scrollerwidth+'px;height:'+2*scrollerheight+'px">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0001" VALUE="SetLineStyle(0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0002" VALUE="SetLineColor(0,0,0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0003" VALUE="SetFillColor(255,255,0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0004" VALUE="SetFont(\''+font_family+'\', '+font_size+', 400, 0, 0, 0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0005" VALUE="Text(\''+message[1]+'\',0, 2, 0)">'+ '</OBJECT>' rotationstyle3.innerHTML= '<OBJECT ID="rotationobj3" CLASSID="CLSID:369303C2-D7AC-11d0-89D5-00A0C90833E6" STYLE="position:relative;width:'+scrollerwidth+'px;height:'+2*scrollerheight+'px">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0001" VALUE="SetLineStyle(0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0002" VALUE="SetLineColor(0,0,0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0003" VALUE="SetFillColor(255,255,0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0004" VALUE="SetFont(\''+font_family+'\', '+font_size+', 400, 0, 0, 0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0005" VALUE="Text(\''+message[2]+'\',0, 2, 0)">'+ '</OBJECT>' rotationstyle4.innerHTML= '<OBJECT ID="rotationobj4" CLASSID="CLSID:369303C2-D7AC-11d0-89D5-00A0C90833E6" STYLE="position:relative;width:'+scrollerwidth+'px;height:'+2*scrollerheight+'px">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0001" VALUE="SetLineStyle(0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0002" VALUE="SetLineColor(0,0,0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0003" VALUE="SetFillColor(255,255,0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0004" VALUE="SetFont(\''+font_family+'\', '+font_size+', 400, 0, 0, 0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0005" VALUE="Text(\''+message[3]+'\',0, 2, 0)">'+ '</OBJECT>' rotationstyle5.innerHTML= '<OBJECT ID="rotationobj5" CLASSID="CLSID:369303C2-D7AC-11d0-89D5-00A0C90833E6" STYLE="position:relative;width:'+scrollerwidth+'px;height:'+2*scrollerheight+'px">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0001" VALUE="SetLineStyle(0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0002" VALUE="SetLineColor(0,0,0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0003" VALUE="SetFillColor(255,255,0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0004" VALUE="SetFont(\''+font_family+'\', '+font_size+', 400, 0, 0, 0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0005" VALUE="Text(\''+message[4]+'\',0, 2, 0)">'+ '</OBJECT>' rotationstyle6.innerHTML= '<OBJECT ID="rotationobj6" CLASSID="CLSID:369303C2-D7AC-11d0-89D5-00A0C90833E6" STYLE="position:relative;width:'+scrollerwidth+'px;height:'+2*scrollerheight+'px">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0001" VALUE="SetLineStyle(0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0002" VALUE="SetLineColor(0,0,0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0003" VALUE="SetFillColor(255,255,0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0004" VALUE="SetFont(\''+font_family+'\', '+font_size+', 400, 0, 0, 0)">'+ '<PARAM NAME="Line0005" VALUE="Text(\''+message[5]+'\',0, 2, 0)">'+ '</OBJECT>' rotationobj1.Rotate(0,0,0) rotationobj2.Rotate(0,60,0) rotationobj3.Rotate(0,120,0) rotationobj4.Rotate(0,180,0) rotationobj5.Rotate(0,240,0) rotationobj6.Rotate(0,300,0) startscroll() } function startscroll() { rotationobj1.Rotate(1,2,0) rotationobj2.Rotate(1,2,0) rotationobj3.Rotate(1,2,0) rotationobj4.Rotate(1,2,0) rotationobj5.Rotate(1,2,0) rotationobj6.Rotate(1,2,0) timer=setTimeout("startscroll()",20) } // - End of JavaScript - --> </script> </head> <body onLoad="initiate()"> <SPAN ID="rotationstyle1" STYLE="position:absolute"> <OBJECT ID="rotationobj1" CLASSID="CLSID:369303C2-D7AC-11d0-89D5-00A0C90833E6"> </OBJECT> </SPAN> <SPAN ID="rotationstyle2" STYLE="position:absolute"> <OBJECT ID="rotationobj2" CLASSID="CLSID:369303C2-D7AC-11d0-89D5-00A0C90833E6"> </OBJECT> </SPAN> <SPAN ID="rotationstyle3" STYLE="position:absolute"> <OBJECT ID="rotationobj3" CLASSID="CLSID:369303C2-D7AC-11d0-89D5-00A0C90833E6"> </OBJECT> </SPAN> <SPAN ID="rotationstyle4" STYLE="position:absolute"> <OBJECT ID="rotationobj4" CLASSID="CLSID:369303C2-D7AC-11d0-89D5-00A0C90833E6"> </OBJECT> </SPAN> <SPAN ID="rotationstyle5" STYLE="position:absolute"> <OBJECT ID="rotationobj5" CLASSID="CLSID:369303C2-D7AC-11d0-89D5-00A0C90833E6"> </OBJECT> </SPAN> <SPAN ID="rotationstyle6" STYLE="position:absolute"> <OBJECT ID="rotationobj6" CLASSID="CLSID:369303C2-D7AC-11d0-89D5-00A0C90833E6"> </OBJECT> </SPAN> <DIV id="Belongs_not_to_the_script" style="position:absolute;top:200px;left:5px;"> </DIV> </body> </html>
<a name="1"></a><b> <center><font size="3"> <!-- BODY START HERE --> <span id="theText" style="width:100%; color: #Red"> <b><font size="3"color="#000000">Само слово</font> </span> <script> <!-- //âåëè÷èíà ñèÿíèÿ îò è äî var from = 10; var to = 30; //ñêîðñòü ñèÿíèÿ var delay = 98; //öâåò ñèÿíèÿ, èìÿ â rgb (ïðèìåð:'blue') èëè èìåíîâàííûé var glowColor = "Red"; //íå ìåíÿòü!!! var i = to; var j = 0; textPulseDown(); function textPulseUp() { if (!document.all) return if (i < to) { theText.style.filter = "Glow(Color=" + glowColor + ", Strength=" + i + ")"; i++; theTimeout = setTimeout('textPulseUp()',delay); return 0; } if (i = to) { theTimeout = setTimeout('textPulseDown()',delay); return 0; } } function textPulseDown() { if (!document.all) return if (i > from) { theText.style.filter = "Glow(Color=" + glowColor + ", Strength=" + i + ")"; i--; theTimeout = setTimeout('textPulseDown()',delay); return 0; } if (i = from) { theTimeout = setTimeout('textPulseUp()',delay); return 0; } } //--> </script>
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<html> <head> <title>WOweb.ru - Scripts - JavaScript - Ranning Messages</title> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> <Style> A:Link{ Color: #000000; Text-decoration: underline} A:Visited{ Color: #000000; Text-decoration: underline} A:Hover{ Color: #000000; Text-decoration: none} td, body {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica; font-size:11px;} </Style> <!-- HEAD START HERE --> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- // Your messages. Add as many as you like var message=new Array() message[0]="ГЛАВНАЯ СТРАНИЦА: collections, tricks, tutorials, CLICK HERE." message[1]="ФОРУМ: спросите у автора, напишите свое мнение о сайте. CLICK HERE." message[2]="О СКРИПТЕ: можно использовать как меню, регулятор скорости прокрутки. CLICK HERE." // the URLs of your messages var messageurl=new Array() messageurl[0]="http://www.woweb.ru" messageurl[1]="http://www.woweb.ru" messageurl[2]="http://www.woweb.ru" // the targets of the links // accepted values are '_blank' or '_top' or '_parent' or '_self' // or the name of your target-window (for instance 'main') var messagetarget=new Array() messagetarget[0]="_blank" messagetarget[1]="_blank" messagetarget[2]="_blank" // font-color of messages var messagecolor= new Array() messagecolor[0]="yellow" messagecolor[1]="lightgreen" messagecolor[2]="orange" // font-color of the messagecounter just below the scroller textcountercolor="white" // font-size of the messagecounter just below the scroller textcountersize=7 // distance of the scroller to the left margin of the browser-window (pixels) var scrollerleft=20 // distance of the scroller to the top margin of the browser-window (pixels) var scrollertop=20 // speed 1: lower means faster var pause=20 // speed 2: higher means faster var step=2 // font-size var fntsize=8 // font-family var fntfamily="Arial" // font-weight: 1 means bold, 0 means normal var fntweight=1 // do not edit the variables below var scrollerwidth=368 var scrollerheight=20 var scrollerleft_in=scrollerleft+16 var scrollertop_in=scrollertop+12 var backgroundimagecontent var clipleft,clipright,cliptop,clipbottom var i_message=0 var timer var textwidth var textcontent="" var textcountercontent="" if (fntweight==1) {fntweight="700"} else {fntweight="100"} function init() { gettextcontent() if (document.all) { text.innerHTML=textcontent textcounter.innerHTML=textcountercontent textwidth=text.offsetWidth document.all.text.style.posTop=scrollertop_in document.all.text.style.posLeft=scrollerleft_in+scrollerwidth document.all.textcounter.style.posTop=scrollertop_in+26 document.all.textcounter.style.posLeft=scrollerleft_in+2 document.all.backgroundimage.style.posTop=scrollertop document.all.backgroundimage.style.posLeft=scrollerleft clipleft=0 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<html> <head> <title>WOweb.ru - JavaScript - Background Changer</title> <!-- HEAD STARTS HERE --> <!-- Background Changer Just make sure you add your Title before this script. If you change the last line in will give you the rest of the information for your page (link color,text etc.) Play with the colors !--> <script> // Modified by WebmastersOnline function initArray() { this.length = initArray.arguments.length for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) this[i+1] = initArray.arguments[i] } var hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF"; function Dec2Hex (Dec) { var a = Dec % 16; var b = (Dec - a)/16; hex = "" + hexChars.charAt(b) + hexChars.charAt(a); return hex; } function bgChanger (begin, end, steps) { steps = steps -1; redA = begin.charAt(0) + begin.charAt(1); red_valA = parseInt(redA,'16'); redB = end.charAt(0) + end.charAt(1); red_valB = parseInt(redB,'16'); red_int = ((red_valB - red_valA) / steps) * -1; grnA = begin.charAt(2) + begin.charAt(3); grn_valA = parseInt(grnA,'16'); grnB = end.charAt(2) + end.charAt(3); grn_valB = parseInt(grnB,'16'); grn_int = ((grn_valB - grn_valA) / steps) * -1; bluA = begin.charAt(4) + begin.charAt(5); blu_valA = parseInt(bluA,'16'); bluB = end.charAt(4) + end.charAt(5); blu_valB = parseInt(bluB,'16'); blu_int = ((blu_valB - blu_valA) / steps) * -1; step = 2; red = red_valA; grn = grn_valA; blu = blu_valA; document.bgColor = begin; while ( steps >= step ) { red -= red_int; red_round = Math.round(red); red_hex = Dec2Hex(red); grn -= grn_int; grn_round = Math.round(grn); grn_hex = Dec2Hex(grn); blu -= blu_int; blu_round = Math.round(blu); blu_hex = Dec2Hex(blu); document.bgColor = red_hex + grn_hex + blu_hex; step++; } document.bgColor = end; } </script> <!-- HEAD ENDS HERE --> </head> <body bgcolor="#EDEDED" text="#000000" link="#000000"> <!-- BODY STARTS HERE --> <script> <!-- bgChanger("000000","000000",45); bgChanger("000000","FF0000",45); bgChanger("FF0000","000000",45); bgChanger("000000","AA00EE",45); bgChanger("AA00EE","000000",45); bgChanger("000000","0000FF",45); bgChanger("0000FF","000000",45); bgChanger("000000","36456c",45); bgChanger("36456c","EDEDED",45); // --> </script> <!-- BODY ENDS HERE --> </body> </html>
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<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var concertMonth = new Array (1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,11,12,12) var concertDay = new Array (1,13,14,23,8,1,1,12,26,2,2,17,12,19) concertNum = 14 concertNum = 14 // При добавлении праздничной даты надо добавить месяц в var concertMonth = new Array // и день в var concertDay = new Array // и название праздника в var concertInfo = new Array. var today = new Date var dayName = new Array ("Вс","Пн","Вт","Ср","Чт","Пт","Сб") var monthName = new Array ("ЯНВАРЬ", "ФЕВРАЛЬ", "МАРТ", "АПРЕЛЬ", "МАЙ", "ИЮНЬ", "ИЮЛЬ", "АВГУСТ", "СЕНТЯБРЬ", "ОКТЯБРЬ", "НОЯБРЬ", "ДЕКАБРЬ") document.write("<b>" + monthName[today.getMonth()] + "</b>") // find what day is the first day of this month day = today.getDay() result = (today.getDate() % 7)-1 if (result > day) { day += 7 } firstDay = day - result // find how many days this month has (note Jan=0, Dec=11) if (today.getMonth() == 1) { // 1/26/1999, added code to deal with leap years thisYear = today.getYear() + 1900 if (thisYear % 4 == 0) { if (thisYear % 100 == 0) { if (thisYear % 400 == 0) { daysInMonth = 29 } else { daysInMonth = 28 } } else { daysInMonth = 29 } } else { daysInMonth = 28 } } else { if (today.getMonth() == 0 || today.getMonth() == 2 || today.getMonth() == 4 || today.getMonth() == 6 || today.getMonth() == 7 || today.getMonth() == 9 || today.getMonth() == 11) { daysInMonth = 31 } else { daysInMonth = 30 } } // display the calender document.write("<p><table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=3><tr>") // display the names of the days at the top for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { document.write("<th width=20% bgcolor=f5f5f5 align=center><small>" + dayName[i] + "</small></th>") } document.write("</tr><tr>") // write any blank boxes ahead of the first day for (i = 0; i < firstDay; i++) { document.write("<td width=20% bgcolor=ffffff></td>") } // display the days d = firstDay for (i = 1; i <= daysInMonth; i++) { if (!(d < 7)) { document.write("<tr></tr>") d = 0 } if (i == today.getDate()) { dispDay = '<b>' + i + '</b>' } else { dispDay = i } for (var y = 0; y < concertNum; y++) { if (i == concertDay[y] && (concertMonth[y]-1) == today.getMonth()) dispDay = '<font color=ff0000>' + dispDay + '</font>' } document.write("<td width=20% bgcolor=ffffff align=center>" + dispDay + "</td>") d++ } if (d < 7) { for (i = d; i < 7; i++) { document.write("<td width=20% bgcolor=ffffff></td>") } } document.write("</tr></table>") //--> </script>